In this edition of the “Vibez Only” Independent Artist Feature, we highlight dark pop and folk singer-songwriter Said Sara.
Born a “Child of the 70s”, David Benson was inspired by what is often called the singer-songwriter era, with artists like Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, James Taylor, and Lindsey Buckingham shaping his musical awakening.
Benson describes his younger self as a metalhead and a punk music fanatic. However, as a mature songwriter under the moniker Said Sara, his style has evolved from the dark, stripped-down hymns of the early to mid-90s into a pop, rock, and folk hybrid fusion.
His latest single, “Then There You Are,” is a thunderous, reflective rock ballad that demands pensive introspection from the listener. The timbre and vulnerability of Benson’s vocal style are stirring, resonating in a way reminiscent of Alanis Morissette.
Said Sara is definitely an artist to watch, and we will be keeping a close eye on his development.
Instagram: @_bensond_
DaPlaylister Network launched the "Vibez Only" series to showcase emerging and independent artists. Our commitment to celebrating art and culture centers on offering a platform for independent musicians and recording artists.